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Joint stock company "Zaporozhsky abrasivny combinat" is the only manufacturer of grinding materials in Ukraine and is one of the biggest producers of abrasive materials in Eastern Europe. The firms from Germany, Italy, the USA, Japan, Austria, Poland, Czech Republic, Russia and other countries are among the major consumers of the Company products.
JSC "Zaporozhabrasive" has great manufacturing potential and produces the products on the basis of modern technologies.
The works of the company put out the products of high quality:
-grinding materials made of Brown Fused Aluminium Oxide, Black Silicon Carbide, Green Silicon Carbide in the form of grain, powder and microgrits;
-refractory materials: Boron Carbide, Boron Nitride;
-abrasive tools on vitrified and bakelite bond;
-coated abrasives and products thereof;
-vitrified bonds for abrasive tools;
The company constantly increases the range of the manufactured products. The manufacture of the following products has been developed recently:
-special wheels for grinding balls of the ball-bearings;
-special wheels on bakelite bond for front grinding PN and PNR type;
-Boron Nitride of cosmetic quality;
-Boron Carbide of nuclear quality;
-grinding radial flap-wheels:
-Cutting-off and grinding reinforced wheels on bakelite bond;
-special refractory fractions of Silicon Carbide.
Mastering of grinding high-structured and high-porous wheels manufacture is in development.
We plan to develop advanced products manufacture, i.e. products made of non-woven cloth of industrial application with steep, so called "scotch-bright". The product is meant for preparing metal surfaces, for grinding motor bodies, metals, paint, varnish, wood, plastic.
To meet the requirements of domestic market, manufacture of household sponge will be renewed. It is meant for washing and cleaning dishes, sinks, gas-stoves and other household goods.
The system of the supplier quality is certified in accordance with ISO 9001 - 2000 TNO "Certification". Certificate № S 2006.6824/01 of 16.02.2006.